Baltojo tilto aikštynas Upės g. 6, 09309 Vilnius

Baltojo tilto aikštynas

18 Apžvalgos
  • ketvirtadienisDirba 24 val.
  • penktadienisDirba 24 val.
  • šeštadienisDirba 24 val.
  • sekmadienisDirba 24 val.
  • pirmadienisDirba 24 val.
  • antradienisDirba 24 val.
  • trečiadienisDirba 24 val.

Baltojo tilto aikštynas Upės g. 6, 09309 Vilnius

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Upės g. 6, 09309 Vilnius

Darbo valandos

  • ketvirtadienisDirba 24 val.
  • penktadienisDirba 24 val.
  • šeštadienisDirba 24 val.
  • sekmadienisDirba 24 val.
  • pirmadienisDirba 24 val.
  • antradienisDirba 24 val.
  • trečiadienisDirba 24 val.


  • Įėjimas
  • pritaikytas neįgaliesiems

Rekomenduojamos apžvalgos

Laurynas Bartasevičius
Baltojo tilto aikštynas
Krepšinis, tinklinis, smėlio tenisas, stalo tenisas, vadinamasis turnikas" ir kita aparatai
Robi FitLab Naumovic
Baltojo tilto aikštynas
Gwrai kad jis atsinqujina ir pasodinta nauju medziu
Domas Berulis
Baltojo tilto aikštynas
Shower not working atm
Edita Medeina
Baltojo tilto aikštynas
Puiki vieta, daugybė sportinių ir pramoginių užsiėmimų visokio amžiaus ir pomėgių žmonėms
Vilija Šadžiūtė
Baltojo tilto aikštynas
Atgaivos vieta
Marinos Theodosiou
Baltojo tilto aikštynas
As the sun-kissed Neris River whispered tales of summer, our journey along its banks unveiled the grace of Baltojo Tilto Aikštynas. Positioned at the heart of Vilnius, nestled adjacent to the iconic Baltasis Tiltas bridge, this sports haven cast its enchantment upon us.Scooting by the river on a splendid summer day in Vilnius, we encountered Baltojo Tilto Aikštynas. Our adventure commenced by parking our scooters near the beach volleyball section—a promising start to our exploration.The beach volleyball courts stood as immaculate playgrounds, alive with teams engaged in spirited matches against the backdrop of golden sands. Every detail was meticulously crafted, from the professional nets to the overall presentation, culminating in a perfect setting for the sport.Venturing deeper into this athletic enclave, we encountered more beach volleyball courts, followed by two meticulously designed, professional-grade basketball courts.Nestled between the basketball courts and the river, a series of thoughtfully arranged ping pong tables awaited, each a masterpiece in design and decoration. As a ping pong enthusiast, I was thrilled at the prospect of engaging in spirited matches here.Drawing closer to the area's end, the pièce de résistance materialised—the expansive skate park, a true marvel. Crafted to perfection, it featured challenging pistes that delighted extreme sports aficionados, providing a joyous spectacle.The meticulous upkeep, comprehensive facilities, and inspiring design of the entire space serve as a testament to its commitment to fostering an active and healthier lifestyle. This is a true testament to a government's dedication to its citizens, particularly the younger generation.In conclusion, my experience was nothing short of incredible. The sight of Baltojo Tilto Aikštynas left an indelible mark, inspiring a desire to return with my ping pong racket for engaging matches. Kudos to this remarkable destination that encourages and nurtures an active way of life.

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Upės g. 6, 09309 Vilnius
Baltojo tilto aikštynas